06/11/2023 | 01:55 AM

Fix một số lỗi SQL Server thường gặp

Xem: 354
(LTC) Fix một số lỗi SQL Server thường gặp
1. Thông báo:
"The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted" when connecting DB in VM Role from Azure website

Cách xử lý:
using SQL Management Studio, please goto connection properties and click on "Trust server certificated"

2. Thông báo:
Error message: (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)

Cách xử lý:

Typically, to troubleshoot this, you go to SQL Server Configuration Manager (SSCM) and:

ensure Shared Memory protocol is enabled
ensure Named Pipes protocol is enabled
ensure TCP/IP is enabled, and is ahead of the Named Pipes in the settings
Maybe it can help: Could not open a connection to SQL Server

Note : If this is a new instance of SQL Server be sure SQL Server and Windows Authentication is enabled

Right Click the Server in SSMS and pull up server properties
Go to Security--> Select 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode'
Restart the Server and Login with the credentials
Xem: 354

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